Annual Meeting Abstracts

Abstracts of the PaleoAnthropology Society 2007 Meetings.
Pages A1 - A35
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Phantom Hearths and the Use of Fire at Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov, Israel.
Pages 1 - 15
Nira Alperson-Afil, Daniel Richter, and Naama Goren-Inbar
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On Bahinia pondaungensis, an Alleged Early Anthropoid
Pages 26 - 30
Alfred L. Rosenberger and Russell Hogg
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Of Burnt Coffee and Pecan Pie: Recollections of F. Clark Howell on his Birthday November 27, 1925 – March 10, 2007.
Pages 36 - 52
Susan C. Antón
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Cameron, D. -- Hominid Adaptations and Extinctions.
Pages 16 - 20
Monte L. McCrossin
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Roux, V. and Bril. B. (eds.) -- Stone Knapping: The Necessary Preconditions for a Uniquely Hominin Behaviour.
Pages 21 - 23
Julien Riel-Salvatore
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Jablonski, N. G. -- Skin: A Natural History.
Pages 24 - 25
Holly M. Dunsworth
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Cachel, S. -- Primate and Human Evolution.
Pages 31 - 33
Stephen Lycett
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de Waal, F. -- Primates and Philosophers. How Morality Evolved.
Pages 34 - 35
W. C. McGrew
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de la Torre, I. and R. Mora -- Technological Strategies in the Lower Pleistocene at Olduvai Beds I and II.
Pages 53 - 57
Erella Hovers
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Schwartz, J.H. -- Skeleton Keys: An Introduction to Human Skeletal Morphology, Development and Analysis, 2nd Edition.
Pages 58 - 59
Parth R. Chauhan
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Sale, K. -- After Eden: The Evolution of Human Domination.
Pages 60 - 62
Miles Richardson
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Niven, L. -- The Palaeolithic Occupation of Vogelherd Cave: Implications for the Subsistence Behavior of Late Neanderthals and Early Modern Humans.
Pages 63 - 65
Marlize Lombard
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